Providing Exceptional Landscaping

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09 May 2020

4 Things to Do In Your Lawn during Quarantine

It’s a difficult time for every single one of us. With so much uncertainty about this pandemic, you can’t help but feel anxious about everything that’s going on. Following the state’s orders is the best thing you can do for yourself and your family.

Most people will agree that this quarantine has resurfaced many mental health issues. Coping with them isn’t an easy task, but it’s important to find a healthy outlet where you can spend your time productively.

Since we can’t go outside, we need to make the most of our lawn during this time.

Here are some things you can do to in garden while in quarantine:

Prepare your garden for spring and summer

There are many jobs in the garden that you need to tackle before summers set in. Now that you’re home all the time, you can take care of them yourself. Before the spring flush, prune the plants in your garden. Woody plants like rose bushes and hydrangeas in particular need to be pruned to ward off disease and insects. You also need to fertilize smaller plants and shrubs, take care of the weeds, and till the beds.

Create an office space in the garden

Working from home can be a real drag if you’re uncomfortable. Your surroundings should stimulate your mind and motivate you to work with a positive attitude. With spring in full form, it would be a waste to spend all your time indoors. Create a workplace in your garden to make work from home better. A comfortable chair and a table the right height is all you need. Make sure you have a socket nearby if you need to charge your laptop or phone.

Workout in the garden

Since we can no longer visit gyms, that doesn’t mean we give up on fitness. It’s more important than ever to stick to stay active and fit during quarantine. Use your garden for exercise. It will motivate you and it can be made into a fun activity for the whole family.

Playtime with the kids

The kids must be really affected due to quarantine. They can no longer go to school every day and play with their friends. It must be a real bummer on what is supposed to be the most exciting time of the school year.

Schedule playtime with the kids while home-schooling them so that they are happy and healthy too. Set up some games in the garden like a football goal or even some swings so that they don’t miss going to the park as much.

Stay up to date with our blog for more insightful tips and tricks for your garden. During this time we have planned to focus on lawn care, DIY projects by our experienced lawn care professionals in Hutchinson, and lawn maintenance to keep you busy. Contact us to learn more about our company or to speak with our representatives.

07 May 2020

A Homeowner’s Guide to Planning a Successful Landscape Design

It’s amazing the transformations you can achieve with your home when you put some planning into it. You can customize areas of your home to better reflect your personality and lifestyle.

Landscaping is a challenging, yet rewarding home improvement project. It adds to the value of your home, improves its aesthetic appeal, and creates a beautiful area for you and your family to enjoy.

The key to great landscaping is planning. Here are some landscaping tips for homeowners:

Give the project enough time

Landscaping, like most home improvement projects require time and patience. As a new home owner, you probably can’t wait to sit in your garden and take in the view of the design and intricacies, however, it will be some time before you can do that.

If you plan on trying your hand at landscaping, it will take more time than if it was done by professionals. Schedule some time every weekend to complete certain projects. Give yourself more time for larger projects.

You also need to keep in mind that once you’re done with the garden, you will still need to spend time on maintenance.

Start with a clean slate

One of the best strategies when landscaping is to start afresh. If you try to work around your garden, you will never achieve the look you want— it’s a few extra steps, but it will be worth the wait.

Remove permanent fixtures to see the true potential of your backyard. The sky is the limit when you have a blank canvas to work with.

Keep future modifications in mind

You need to keep an open mind when planning the landscape of your backyard. You need to remember that few years down the line, your style might change and you might want to change the look of your garden. In fact, you might want to modify the look early on too. Always leave room for more when planning your landscape. This way you won’t overcrowd your garden either.

Keep it floral yet functional

While flowers lift the mood of any area, you need to keep in mind that your landscaping plans also need to be functional. Prioritize things like a play area for the kids, a fire pit, vegetable patch, and a patio area over a flowery garden. Once you’ve assigned these spaces, you can them move onto incorporating flowers and other plants around the area.

If you’re looking for reliable landscapers in Hutchinson to take care of your home’s landscaping, you’re in the right place! We have years of experience in the industry and can help you with renovation and landscaping projects. Our services include tree removal, lawn care, and much more. Contact us to learn more about our company.

29 Oct 2019

Hosting a Garden Party for Your Friends: All You Need to Know

It’s never a bad time to throw a garden party. Whether you want to enjoy a light meal you’re your friends during the summer or cozy up on a wintery night with some sizzling hot food and red wine, your lawn is the perfect place to host this get together at.

Here’s how you can make your outdoor party successful.

Simplify Your Tablescape

The best thing about having a party in your lawn is that you can keep your tablescape quite simple and still make it look amazing. All you need is a beautiful food spread paired with a white tablecloth, and you’re good to go! Add cloth napkins and melamine utensils to complement the table décor.

If you want your tablescape to have a few more elements, then you can keep a flower display to enhance the outdoor party aura. You can opt for vases or even small, potted succulents for this purpose. Moreover, tea lights also make for a good addition to the table.

Figure Out Your Lighting

If you’re having a party in the middle of the day, then you’ve got nothing to worry about. The natural sunlight is more than enough to give your outdoor party the glow it needs. If, however, your garden party is planned for the evening, then you need to figure out the lighting.

There are several options for you to choose from. For instance, you can hang lanterns in your lawn to provide overhead lighting, while decorating the table with teal lights and candles. Hosting a party in your lawn is also a good opportunity to dig out those old fairy lights and create an alluring ambiance. You can also opt for floor lamps and battery operated lights for the occasion. Just make sure you have a sound power outlet to connect your devices!

Be Prepared For All Weathers

As tempting as it is to organize an outdoor party in your lawn, you can’t ignore the unpredictability of the weather. For instance, even if the weather forecast shows no signs of rain, you might be surprised on the day of your party.

It’s best to be prepared for all types of weather when hosting an outdoor party. Don’t solely rely on the weather forecast. Have a backup plan ready for what you may do if it’s too hot or too cold that day to prevent your guests from being uncomfortable.

You can’t host an outdoor party if your lawn isn’t well-maintained! After all, you don’t want your guests looking at the untrimmed grass and overgrowth of weeds and thinking you didn’t put much effort into organizing the event.

Sutton Lawn and More can help you out with this. We provide lawn care maintenance, landscaping, and aeration services in Hutchinson, KS and will make your space look perfect for your party.

Call us at (620) 960-0319 to get in touch!

26 Oct 2019

3 Hacks to Make Your Lawn Look Better

Analyzing the condition of the lawn is how most people form a first impression about the inhabitants of a house. It’s the first thing your guests notice when they visit your place and what your neighbors see each morning when they step out of their house. An unkempt and untidy lawn makes a poor impression and reflects badly on you.

Here are a few simple ways to improve your lawn’s appearance.

Look After Your Grass

Who doesn’t like having a lush, green layer of grass in their lawn? It’s the first thing you lay your eyes on in your outdoor space and is also undoubtedly the biggest part of your lawn. So how can you ensure that your grass flourishes throughout the year and stays as green as you’d like?

By taking good care of it! You don’t need to spend hundreds of dollars to get the desired outlook. By fertilizing the soil during fall, removing thatch buildup, adding mulch, and watering the grass less frequently but all the way down to the roots, you can have your grass looking fresh and green.

In addition to this, it’s also recommended that you reseed the grass in areas where there may be brown spots. Moreover, if you have pets, try to keep them from running over the grass too much or peeing on it to prevent discoloration.

Remove Weeds

The next thing you need to do is get rid of weeds. Shallow watering, inadequate soil conditions, and improper mowing and fertilizing practices can all result in an overgrowth of weeds. These not only make your lawn look untidy and unkempt, but also prevent the grass and other plants from getting enough nutrients.

Weeding is a long and exhausting process, but if you want your lawn to look neat and well-maintained, it’s something that you cannot ignore. You can try some DIY tactics such as sprinkling baking soda or pouring hot water on them to prevent them from growing. However, this is quite time-consuming. Having a professional service clean up your lawn is a better strategy. You’ll see a massive improvement once they’re done!

Add Flowers in Your Lawn

Want to add some color to your lawn? Flower beds are the perfect way to do this!

Not only do flowers brighten up your space and make it appear livelier, but they also reflect your personality. You can opt for perennial flowers that bloom during a specific season or get annual flowers that have to be replanted each year.

Sutton Lawn and More provides lawn care maintenance services in Hutchinson, KS.  We’ll take care of every lawn maintenance and landscaping need of yours to make your space stand out.

Call us at (620) 960-0319 to get in touch!

01 Oct 2019

Are You Facing These Lawn Mowing Problems Too?

If you have 99 problems and one (or many) of them is lawn-related, you’re not alone. Lawn maintenance is a problem prevalent in all of Kansas, Hutchinson included. With a state that’s known for its wide expanses and great avenues of grass, maintenance and upkeep of a lawn become mandatory.