Providing Exceptional Landscaping

Mon-Sat: 8am to 6pm

There are some people out there who enjoy the first-hand experience of flowerbed weeding, but for others, landscaping itself is a joy and the weed control is a pain. As professionals we know there is a delicate balance in creating the optimal conditions for the growth you want to see. We have the experience and knowledge it takes to bring your landscaping visions to life with some of the best bed weeding services in Hutchinson.

Sutton Lawn and more is dedicated to providing results. One of the true joys of home ownership is relishing in the fine artistry of your landscape. And we are here to make that happen! At Sutton Lawn and More we know that weeding your mulch and rock beds can be back-breaking work, but that it can make the difference on whether a lawn looks well maintained or not. There are two main kinds of weeds we have to deal with. The first type of weeds is annuals. Annual weed seeds drift into your beds, start growing, send out new seeds, and then wilt away at the first frost. A couple examples of annuals are: dandelions, chickweed, ragweed, plantain, spurge, purslane, and black medic.

The second type of weeds are perennials. Perennial plants remain in the ground year after year. Meaning it may look like they died but they have roots that continually live even if they are dormant on the surface. Perennial plants are much harder to get eradicate. A few examples of perennials include: thistle, evening primrose, buttercup, prickly lettuce, mallow, and wild violet.

In these two groups of weeds there are also sub-groups. These sub-groups are called grassy weeds and broadleaf weeds. Almost all of the weeds mentioned above are broadleaf weeds. Broadleaf weeds are the most noticeable of weeds in your lawn and landscape. On the other hand, grassy weeds blend into your yard and go unnoticed. because, as their name implies, grassy weeds look like grass. A few examples of grassy weeds you might find in your yard are: crabgrass, goosegrass, yellow foxtail, barnyard grass, and yellow nutsedge.

No matter what your lawn or landscape needs Sutton Lawn and More is here to provide you with the best service possible. From weeding your flower beds, aerating your lawn, or setting up a regular weekly lawn mowing service Sutton Lawn and More always does quality work. Give your local Hutchinson team a call for professional bed weeding services!