Analyzing the condition of the lawn is how most people form a first impression about the inhabitants of a house. It’s the first thing your guests notice when they visit your place and what your neighbors see each morning when they step out of their house. An unkempt and untidy lawn makes a poor impression and reflects badly on you.

Here are a few simple ways to improve your lawn’s appearance.

Look After Your Grass

Who doesn’t like having a lush, green layer of grass in their lawn? It’s the first thing you lay your eyes on in your outdoor space and is also undoubtedly the biggest part of your lawn. So how can you ensure that your grass flourishes throughout the year and stays as green as you’d like?

By taking good care of it! You don’t need to spend hundreds of dollars to get the desired outlook. By fertilizing the soil during fall, removing thatch buildup, adding mulch, and watering the grass less frequently but all the way down to the roots, you can have your grass looking fresh and green.

In addition to this, it’s also recommended that you reseed the grass in areas where there may be brown spots. Moreover, if you have pets, try to keep them from running over the grass too much or peeing on it to prevent discoloration.

Remove Weeds

The next thing you need to do is get rid of weeds. Shallow watering, inadequate soil conditions, and improper mowing and fertilizing practices can all result in an overgrowth of weeds. These not only make your lawn look untidy and unkempt, but also prevent the grass and other plants from getting enough nutrients.

Weeding is a long and exhausting process, but if you want your lawn to look neat and well-maintained, it’s something that you cannot ignore. You can try some DIY tactics such as sprinkling baking soda or pouring hot water on them to prevent them from growing. However, this is quite time-consuming. Having a professional service clean up your lawn is a better strategy. You’ll see a massive improvement once they’re done!

Add Flowers in Your Lawn

Want to add some color to your lawn? Flower beds are the perfect way to do this!

Not only do flowers brighten up your space and make it appear livelier, but they also reflect your personality. You can opt for perennial flowers that bloom during a specific season or get annual flowers that have to be replanted each year.

Sutton Lawn and More provides lawn care maintenance services in Hutchinson, KS.  We’ll take care of every lawn maintenance and landscaping need of yours to make your space stand out.

Call us at (620) 960-0319 to get in touch!